Take Exit 11 Marshall Road off the M3 motorway

Turn left onto Toohey Road. Remain on 11 and continue left on Orange Grove Road. Turn right onto 2 Riawena Road continue onto Granard Road and turn left onto Beatty Road. Find us at Archerfield Jet Base.


Proceed north on Beatty Rd and turn left onto Barton Rd and then next right onto Belham Rd. Turn left onto Granard Rd and right under the overpass onto the M7. Proceed on the M7 to turn right onto Cornwall St at the Prince Alexandra Hospital. Proceed on Cornwall St to turn off to the left to join the M3 motorway into Brisbane CBD

BRISBANE HELICOPTER TOURS - Operating from the Archerfield Jet Base


Light Jets Australia/Archerfield Jet Base

5 QANTAS Avenue, Archerfield Jet Base 4108

For all operations throughout Australia please contact the Airborne Solutions team on;

Phone: 1300 HELITOUR or 1300 435 486


Light Jets Australia/Archerfield Jet Base